Appendix B: Command Line Instructions

Help Command

You can access help instructions anytime in the console by entering help or the ? key. The ? key can be used during any stage of command input to retrieve guidance on the current command or its parameters. When there’s only one possible command or parameter, the system can automatically complete it for you.


Command: Help [cmd]

Function: Retrieve command assistance.

Applicable Views: All views


  • cmd: Name of the command for which help is needed.


  • Input help to display a list of all available commands.

  • Input help show to see all options for the ‘show’ command, including detailed usage instructions.

View Switchover Command


[Command] Enable [15 [password]]

[Function] Switches to privileged user level.

[View] Ordinary user view.


  • 15: User right limit level, currently supports only level 15 for super users.

  • password: Optional. Corresponds to the privileged user level. If omitted, a prompt for password entry will appear.


  • From ordinary user view, enter:

    enable 123456

    Switches to super user status using the password ‘123456’.


[Command] Disable

[Function] Exits the privileged user level.

[View] Super user view, configuration view.

[Parameter] None


  • From super user view, enter:


    Returns to the ordinary user view.


[Command] End or !

[Function] Exits the current view and returns to the previous view.

[View] Configuration view.

[Parameter] None


  • From configuration view, enter:


    Returns to the super user view.


[Command] Exit

[Function] Exits the current view and returns to the previous view. In the ordinary user view, it exits the console.

[View] All views.

[Parameter] None


  • From configuration view, enter:


    Returns to the super user view.

  • From ordinary user view, enter:


    Exits the console.

System State Commands

Show Version

[Command] Show version

[Function] Displays the router’s software type and version.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show version
  • Output includes:

    • Type: Displays the current factory type of equipment

    • Serial number: Displays the current factory serial number

    • Description: Displays the router type

    • Current version: Displays the software version

    • Bootloader version: Displays the bootloader version

Show System

[Command] Show system

[Function] Displays the router system’s information.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show system
  • Output includes system uptime, load average.

Show Clock

[Command] Show clock

[Function] Displays the system time of the router.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show clock
  • Output example: Sat Jan 1 00:01:28 UTC 2000

Show Modem

[Command] Show modem

[Function] Displays the state of the router’s modem.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show modem
  • Output includes modem type, state, manufacturer, product name, signal level, registration state, IMSI number, network type.

Show Log

[Command] Show log [lines n]

[Function] Displays the system log of the router. Defaults to the latest 100 log entries.

[View] All views


  • Lines n: Limits the number of displayed log entries. Positive values show the latest logs, negative values show the earliest logs, zero displays all logs.


  • Enter:

    show log
  • Displays the latest 100 log records.

Show Users

[Command] Show users

[Function] Displays the list of users logged into the router.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show users
  • Output includes a list of system users, with super users marked by an asterisk.

Show Startup-config

[Command] Show startup-config

[Function] Displays the router’s startup configuration.

[View] Super user view and configuration view

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show startup-config
  • Displays the system’s startup configuration settings.

Show Running-config

[Command] Show running-config

[Function] Displays the router’s operational configuration.

[View] Super user view and configuration view

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show running-config
  • Displays the operational configuration settings of the system.

Network Status Commands

Show Interface

[Command] Show interface

[Function] Displays information about the router’s port statuses.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show interface
  • Displays the status of all ports.

Show IP

[Command] Show ip

[Function] Displays the IP configuration of the router.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show ip
  • Shows the system’s IP status.

Show Route

[Command] Show route

[Function] Displays the router’s routing table.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show route
  • Shows the routing table of the system.

Show ARP

[Command] Show arp

[Function] Displays the ARP table of the router.

[View] All views

[Parameter] None


  • Enter:

    show arp
  • Displays the ARP table of the system.

Internet Testing Commands


[Command] Ping hostname [count n] [size n] [source ip]

[Function] Conducts an ICMP test on the specified host.

[View] All views


  • hostname: Address or domain name to test.

  • count: Number of ICMP echo requests to send.

  • size: Size of the ping packet in bytes.

  • source: Source IP address for the ping.


  • Enter:

  • Tests connectivity to and displays the results.


[Command] Telnet hostname [port] [source ip]

[Function] Connects to a specified host via Telnet.

[View] All views


  • hostname: Address or domain name of the host.

  • port: Port number to connect to.

  • source: Source IP address for the connection.


  • Enter:

  • Logs into the host at via Telnet.


[Command] Traceroute hostname [maxhops n] [timeout n]

[Function] Traces the route packets take to a specified host.

[View] All views


  • hostname: Address or domain name of the destination.

  • maxhops: Maximum number of hops before stopping.

  • timeout: Timeout for each probe.


  • Enter:

  • Displays the route to and the results of the trace.

Configuration Command

Configure Terminal

[Command] Configure terminal

[Function] Switches to configuration view to manage settings from the terminal.

[View] Super user view

[Parameter] None


  • Enter in super user view:

    configure terminal

    Switches to configuration view.


[Command] Hostname [hostname]

[Function] Sets or displays the router’s hostname.

[View] Configuration view.


  • hostname: New hostname for the router.


  • To display the current hostname:

  • To set a new hostname:

    hostname MyRouter
  • To reset to the default hostname:

    default hostname

Clock Timezone

[Command] Clock timezone timezone n

[Function] Sets the router’s time zone.

[View] Configuration view.


  • timezone: Time zone abbreviation.

  • n: Time zone offset from UTC.


  • Set timezone to CST with an offset of -8:

    clock timezone CST -8
  • Reset timezone to the default setting:

    default clock timezone

NTP Server

[Command] Ntp server hostname

[Function] Configures the router to synchronize time with an NTP server.

[View] Configuration view.


  • hostname: IP address or domain name of the NTP server.


  • Set the NTP server:

    ntp server
  • Remove the NTP server setting:

    no ntp server
  • Reset to the default NTP server:

    default ntp server

Config Export

[Command] Config export

[Function] Exports the current configuration settings.

[View] Configuration view.

[Parameter] None


  • Export the current configuration:

    config export

Config Import

[Command] Config import

[Function] Imports configuration settings.

[View] Configuration view.

[Parameter] None


  • Import configuration:

    config import

System Management Commands


[Command] Reboot

[Function] Restarts the system.

[View] Super user view and configuration view

[Parameter] None



Initiates a system restart.

Enable Username

[Command] Enable username [name]

[Function] Changes the super user’s username.

[View] Configuration view.


  • name: New super user username.


enable username admin

Changes the super user’s username to admin.

Enable Password

[Command] Enable password [password]

[Function] Changes the super user’s password.

[View] Configuration view.


  • password: New super user password.


enable password newpassword

Updates the super user’s password to “newpassword”.


[Command] Username name [password [password]]

[Function] Manages user credentials.

[View] Configure view.


  • name: Username to add or modify.

  • password: Password for the username.


  • To add or update a user:

username abc password 123

Adds or updates the user “abc” with the password “123”.

  • To remove a user:

no username abc

Removes the user “abc”.

  • To reset to default settings:

default username

Resets all user settings to default, removing custom configurations.